Episode 73 Sakurajima, Japan’s most active volcano


Zuzana & Michal Czech couple

Episode 73 
Sakurajima, Japan’s most active volcano  

After coming back from Satamisaki, we spent two nights in the wonderful campsite in Kinko town. It’s next to a great onsen, michinoeki and convenience store so it provides all we need. Mesmerizing sunsets over Ibusuki can be observed from here.

As announced earlier, we’re continuing our clean up challenge. In Kinko, we spent an entire afternoon in an effort to clear the whole beach. Thankfully, a kind staff member of the michinoeki took all these trash bags from us because one big problem in Japan is the lack of public bins. That means that even when we do pick up litter, we often lack a way to dispose of it.

While eating breakfast near the michinoeki, a friendly couple from Kanoya came up to us to chat. Mr. and Mrs. Murayama gifted us with mineral water and delicious strawberries, thank you again! Funnily, we met one more time during the day in Tarumizu. So it felt almost as if we ran into local friends.

The Kagoshima Bay coast felt like a really nice place to live. Also thanks to cute little places like Arahiratenjin.

The most fascinating feature of the Bay is Sakurajima. It’s Japan’s most active volcano and we could experience its activity firsthand – we arrived to the Arimura Lava Observatory covered with volcanic ash.

Just sitting and watching the volcanic show from Karasujima Observatory before taking the ferry to Kagoshima city was an extraordinary experience that we could never get in Europe.




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